伊部 京子 Kyoko Ibe

1967年 京都工芸繊維大学大学院修士課程修了。
After Completing a master’s degree at the Kyoto Institute of technology in 1967, Ibe Continued Working with paper and has been invited to more than 20 countries for exhibitions, workshops lectures, teaching, judge, panelist and stage art installation. She exhibited in many museums, including Los Angeles County Museum in 2011, Stockton University Gallery in 2017 and her works are the collection of Chicago Art Institute and many others. Author and editor of “Guide book of Contemporary Paperwork.” Co-author of “Encyclopedia Paper culture and Science”, “Papermakers Tears” vol.1 and others. She has received many national and international awards and was chosen as a special Advisor for Cultural Exchange for 2009 by the Agency of Cultural Affairs, government of Japan. She received the Kyoto Cultural Merit Award in 2019. She was a professor the Kyoto Institute of Technology.