森本 盾二 Junji Morimoto

- 思惟 - 他がための祈りをコンセプトに日本の美意識を根底としたジュエリー、彫刻、数寄屋造りとのコラボレーションなど多岐にわたり手掛ける。2018年初の個展「希望の美」を香老舗 松栄堂 薫習館にて開催する。
[ Award ]
[ Public Collection ]
2013 平安神宮/京都、2013 パリ日本文化会館/フランス・パリ
Born in Kyoto in 1980.
I grew up in a family of crafts, such as a signboard engraver, a kimono dyeing business, and a colored crest artist.
- Shiyui - Concept based on prayers for others.
My works are jewelry, sculpture, and collaborations with the sukiya-zukuri based on Japanese aesthetics..e.t.c.
The first solo exhibition 「Beauty of Hope」was held in 2018 at the long-established store Shoyeido Kunjyukan.
[ Award ]
2019 Winner of the grand Shinnichibi prize「The 43th Shinnichibi Exhibition」/ Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
2018 Winner of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Chairman Prize「The 42th Shinnichibi Exhibition」/ Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
2017 Winner of the special commendation prize「The 41th Shinnichibi Exhibition」/ Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
[ Public Collection ]
2013 Heianjingu Shrine / Kyoto, Japan
2013 Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris / Paris, France